After a young friend shows up unexpectedly on her doorstep, Lady Mechanika immediately drops everything to come to her aid. They embark on a globe-spanning trek filled with ancient artifacts, secret societies, and scientific curiosities, but Lady Mechanika is eventually confronted with an impossible decision: the life of her friend, or the fate of all humankind.
This volume collects the entire second Lady Mechanika mini-series The Tablet of Destinies (originally published as Lady Mechanika: The Tablet of Destinies #1-6), plus a gorgeous cover art gallery.
Story by M. M. Chen. Pencils by Joe Benitez & Martin Montiel. Colors by Mike Garcia.
160 pages, full color.
Please Note: Autographed items may take an additional 1-2 weeks (or longer if the artist is out of town) in addition to shipping times.